Wayne Thorne

Wayne Thorne

Captain – 1 Medical Regiment.  The course was fantastic, not only did it provide me with the qualification needed to continue to coach at my local rugby club, it provided opportunity to network with those who have already left. My fellow course members were...
Darren Partridge

Darren Partridge

Spr – 22 Engr Reg. As someone who has been out of the military for a while I was initially nervous, as it turned out I should not have been as Alan, Brian and Ryan from rugby for heroes put me at ease straight away.  This has been one of the most enjoyable weeks...
Battle of the Balls – RUGBY vs FOOTBALL 2024

Battle of the Balls – RUGBY vs FOOTBALL 2024

Tickets available NOW! Get ready for an exhilarating day as former sports stars and celebrities come together for the epic Battle of the Balls charity football match! This year, the game is captained by none other than rugby legend Mike Tindall and football icon Harry...